Why are brand archetypes important?
Archetypes resemble the beds of rivers: dried up because the water has deserted them, though it may return at any time. An archetype is something like an old watercourse along which the water of life flowed for a time, digging a deep channel for itself. The longer it flowed the deeper the channel, and the more likely it is that sooner or later the water will return. - Cal Jung
To understand what archetype applies to your business & brand, first you'll have to understand all 12 classic archetypes and their characteristics.

The Caregiver Brand Archetype
The caregiver brand archetype seeks to connect with its audience through altruism and an emotional string pulling. Think of brands that make you feel warm, comfortable, and cared for. The caregiver thrives in their world of generosity, charitable efforts and service-oriented businesses.
Brands that fit into the caregiver archetype need core messaging that fits this altruistic nature. Not only is the messaging important but the actions of that brand should also support this ethos.
TOMS, Volvo ("Drive the Future", "Share the Planet")

The Creator Brand Archetype
The creator brand archetype is one that revolves around giving new ideas to the world and creates structure by bringing something needed to the niche or industry it takes part in. Creators desire the freedom of expression and oppose censorship. An easy fit for marketing, design, or technology brands, the creator brands are typically product-centered with a focal point on awe and artistic appreciation
Brands that attach themselves to the creator archetype fear having a mediocre vision or execution and desire to have something with everlasting value.
Sony, Pinterest, YouTube

The Everyman Brand Archetype
The everyman brand archetype is driven by the need to feel a sense of belonging. The everyman is empathetic and understanding which is critical for connecting with their audience. Common sense, sincerity, and hard work are some of the core values that are entertained by the everyman archetype.
One of the biggest archetype representations of the everyman archetype in film is Will Smith's character in The Pursuit of Happiness.
Ikea, Target, Budweiser

The Explorer Brand Archetype
The explorer archetype's main goal is answer meaningful questions and attach it self to larger purposes. It wants the freedom to forge a unique path of self discovery and venture down it's own path. Most services and products entertained by this archetype appear unyielding or rugged.
If your business values and encourages originality, this this archetype may be your best fit.

The Hero Brand Archetype
Often presented in the form of a leader and usually showcased in political figures, and athletes, the hero archetype is embedded into an ethos of strength and discipline. Bold phrases and powerful messaging are key characteristics of the hero brand archetype.
Actively achieving and surpassing achievements, outperformance of their competitors is a key focus.
Nike, FedEx, Americorps

The Innocent Brand Archetype
Valuing simplicity and marketing themselves with soft imagery, muted colors, and a clear, honest message - the innocent archetype focuses on honesty and dependability. Those with an eye for details and organization will thrive in this type of environment.
Coca-Cola, Aveeno, Dove

The Jester Brand Archetype
The jester archetype wants to live in the moment and invites you to as well. If you're clever and relatable enough, companies
There is plenty of space to make your own rules, think outside of the box, and have a little bit of fun along the way!
M&Ms, Geico, Old Spice

The Lover Brand Archetype
The lover archetype connect with it's audience through creating relationships and evoking emotions. Making their audience feel special and meeting their emotional needs through fostering intimacy and bliss. Make your audience feel accepted and attractive through brand messaging and strong sensual aspects throughout your aesthetic.
Using passionate and strong emotional language through branding is a big plus for the lover archetype!
Chanel, Hallmark, Victoria's Secret

The Magician Brand Archetype
Compelling and charismatic brands can show their audience the ability to rise above the typical crowd. The actions of the magician archetype leave their audience feeling confident in their service or product as well as curious. The magician is interested in finding new solutions to problems and produce new products for their industry.
The audience of the magician archetype are mesmerized by the possibilities and promise that the brand has to offer.
Disney, TEDX, Dyson

The Rebel Brand Archetype
This disruptive brand archetype aims to upset the status-quo and inspire productive change. The rebel may be seen as the motorcycle dealers, edgy clothing brands, or an alcohol brand but the rebel archetype can be attached to any business that is willing and ready to disrupt the norm.
Teetering the line of the rebel archetype can sometimes be a challenge. Making people feel just the right amount of uncomfortable to align with their product and service can be tricky.
MTV, Paypal, Mountain Dew

The Ruler Brand Archetype
Seeking to prevent chaos by taking controller, Rulers are defined by their need for order and security. They enjoy the structure and procedure needed to deliver their product and services. A true leader, the ruler archetype sees itself as a role model for others to view as a leader.
Every decision a meticulous one, the ruler grows slowly but with a maintained and rigorous structure.
Mercedes Ben. Verizon Wireless, Microsoft

The Sage Brand Archetype
A fountain of knowledge and truth, the sage archetype is relentlessly pursing the truth. By gathering all the factual information and relatable knowledge, this archetype believes in sharing this knowledge it can make the world a better place. High levels of awareness this archetype likes to avoid uncertainty, misinformation and misleading assertions.
Sage brands are considered "experts", and they use their experience to guide others in their journey.
Harvard, TEX, Mayo Clinic
The brand archetypes listed here all have their place and every business has an archetype(s).
During the discovery process with Good Riot we will dive into your business and learn what's needed to establish a brand archetype. Sometimes a brand may have more than one and this allows us to pinpoint the exact tone of the brand. This process helps the team establish foundational branding elements and messaging that speaks to the desired audience. Establishing the brand archetype is just one of the many things we pursue during the discovery phase. Interested in learning more or reaching out?
Read more about our process or contact us today. We look forward to hearing from you =).
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